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About The Walking Soccer Association

Are you looking to get out, be active and make new friends?! Come join us on the pitch for a low-impact version of the ‘beautiful game’! The WSA is pleased to announce our new Walking Soccer program. Walking soccer is ideal for those individuals for those who are unable to play the game in its traditional format and for those who are looking to try something new and fun. This program is offered to men and women over the age of 60. The game is a non-competitive, self-refereed version of soccer, where participants walk instead of run and play with smaller-sized nets. Contact and shots above the knee aren’t allowed.

Like its name suggests, walking soccer is a variant of traditional soccer , which requires participants to walk (a lot harder than it sounds) at all times. What originally constituted ‘walking’ however, was a contentious issue, along with other unestablished rules of the game.

For the most part, the rules don’t deviate from the original soccer game, they’ve just been tweaked to protect the health and stamina of older participants for maximum enjoyment. .

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